Gelonghui May 20 δΈ¨ Huaxin New Materials (300717)(300717videopokerslots.SZ) announcedvideopokerslotsThe company held the 13th meeting of the fourth board of directors and the 13th meeting of the fourth board of supervisors on May 20, 2024videopokerslots, the "Proposal on Purchasing Real Estate by Wholly-owned Subsidiaries" was reviewed and approved, and the wholly-owned subsidiary Jiangsu Huaxin High-tech Materials Co., Ltd.(referred to as "Huaxin High-tech") plans to use its own funds of RMB 12,053videopokerslots.5.05 million yuan purchased a house located on the 1-4 floors (a total of 4 floors) of No. 5, Shenwen Media Plaza, Lane 1699, Xinzhen Road, Minhang District, Shanghai City from Shanghai Baobao RongMedia Culture Media Co., Ltd.(referred to as "Baobao RongMedia").

videopokerslots| Huaxin Xincai (300717.SZ): Huaxin High-tech plans to purchase real estate from RongMedia for RMB 121 million