thematicthreecardpoker: Nanjing Chemical Fiber's one-word limit and Shanghai Stock Exchange reported the verification status: Trading in relevant accounts was suspended for 15 days

threecardpoker| Nanjing Chemical Fiber's one-word limit and Shanghai Stock Exchange reported the verification status: Trading in relevant accounts was suspended for 15 days

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On May 22, Nanjing Chemical Fiber (Rights Protection) opened at a daily limit. As of press time, its share price was at 6threecardpoker.75 yuan.

On May 20, a stock price forecast event occurred in Nanjing Chemical Fiber. At 1:47 pm that day, some netizens posted a post on the stock trading platform predicting that there would be a surprise at 2:34 pm. The stock price of Nanjing Chemical Fiber showed extreme fluctuations from daily limit to daily limit around 2:35 pm. Regarding his "God's prophecy", the netizen claimed that it was only a prediction and did not conduct a real operation.

It is worth noting that before the 20th, Nanjing Chemical Fiber's share price had been trading daily for several days.

At noon on the 21st, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the trading situation of Nanjing Chemical Fiber Stock. The report stated that on May 20, Nanjing Chemical Fiber's stock price fluctuated significantly. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to relevant online information about the stock's stock price trend that day and immediately launched transaction verification. Subsequently, corresponding measures will be taken in a timely manner and in accordance with regulations based on the verification results.

On the evening of the 21st, Nanjing Chemical Fiber announced that on May 20, 2024, the company's stock price closed at a daily limit; on May 21, the company's stock price closed at a daily limit. In view of the recent large fluctuations in the company's stock price and possible irrational speculation, investors are kindly advised to pay attention to secondary market transaction risks, make rational decisions, and invest prudently.

Nanjing Chemical Fiber said that the company's current main business is still cellulose fiber and PET structural core materials. The company's products do not involve carbon fiber, and the company's business does not involve concepts such as low-altitude economy. The company's production and operation conditions are normal and no major changes have occurred.

On the evening of May 21, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the verification of Nanjing Chemical Fiber Stock. The notice stated that in recent days, the stock price of Nanjing Chemical Fiber has fluctuated significantly. In response to relevant investors 'behavior of fabricating and disseminating misleading information to disrupt the normal trading order of the market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken regulatory measures to suspend trading on relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with regulations, and has already transferred suspected violations of laws and regulations discovered.

In terms of performance, Nanjing Chemical Fiber's current performance is in a loss state, with a loss in net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023.threecardpoker.85 billion yuan, and the net profit loss attributable to the parent company in the first quarter of 2024 was 32.6083 million yuan.