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BOCOM's new return flexible configuration hybrid C (519760) latest net value on May 21 3rouletteauto.9280 yuan, down slightly by 0.03%. The revenue in the past January was 0.13%, ranking among the top in its category.

rouletteauto| BOCOM's new return flexible configuration hybrid C: the latest net value is 3.9280 yuan, with a scale of 6.461 billion yuan

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On May 21, 2024, the latest net value of BOCOM's new return flexible configuration hybrid C(519760) fluctuated slightly at 3.9280 yuan, a decrease of 0.03%. This fund has spent nearly a monthrouletteautoThe return rate of 0.13%, ranking 23rd among its type of funds; while the return rate in the past six months was 0.09%, ranking 12th. The BOCOM New Return Flexible Allocation Hybrid C Fund was established on November 19, 2015. As of March 31, 2024, the fund size reached 6.461 billion yuan. In recent market fluctuations, the performance of BOCOM's new return flexible allocation of hybrid C funds has maintained a relatively stable position among similar funds. With its unique asset allocation strategy, the fund has achieved solid growth in volatile markets. When considering investing in the fund, investors should pay attention to its historical performance and market position, and at the same time assess their own risk tolerance to make informed investment decisions.