Special topic: the essence of four Securities Newspapers

nintendoswitchcrashbandicootgames| Summary of the headlines on the front page of the four major securities newspapers on May 17

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On Friday, 17 May, the main contents of today's headlines are as follows:

China Securities News

The National Development and Reform Commission defines the key tasks of economic restructuring

Published on May 16thNintendoswitchcrashbandicootgamesQiushi magazine published an article by the leading party group of the National Development and Reform Commission, "further comprehensively deepening economic restructuring and promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development." The article defines seven key tasks in the reform of the economic system, that is, to improve and implement the "two unwavering" institutional mechanisms, to build a high-standard market system, to break through the difficulties in the development of new productive forces, to build a new open economic system at a higher level, and to strengthen the reform in the field of people's livelihood. we will improve the system and mechanism of comprehensive green transformation and strengthen the guarantee of economic security. The article proposes to comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, improve the risk disposal responsibility mechanism with consistent powers and responsibilities, and improve the investor-oriented capital market basic system.

The demand is expected to pick up and the economic recovery is expected to consolidate.

Judging from a number of high-frequency data on the production side and the consumer side, China's economic operation has continued to recover recently. At the same time, with the return of foreign capital to the Chinese market, the stock-bond seesaw phenomenon is beginning to emerge, which also reflects the gradual improvement of investors' expectations of the Chinese economy in the financial market. Experts said that with the acceleration of fiscal policy and the continuous optimization of real estate policy, the momentum of China's economic recovery will be further consolidated.

Finance, health care and health care "gather together" insurance companies compete for a new track of trillion yuan for the aged.

In recent years, pension communities built by insurance companies have sprung up in economically developed cities and tourist cities across the country, which is a microcosm of insurance companies competing for the pension track and "gold digging" silver economy. Specifically, a number of insurance companies have adopted the development strategy of "insurance plus health care" to build pension communities with multiple investment modes such as emphasizing assets, neglecting assets and combining weight with weight, so as to provide pension services for high net worth people. According to a column released by the Life Insurance Department of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration in January this year, more than 30 pension communities have been built and more than 2 beds have been built.Nintendoswitchcrashbandicootgames.8,000.

"520" hot "sweet economy" consumer market blossoms more

Because of the homophonic "I love"Nintendoswitchcrashbandicootgames"you", May 20, has gradually evolved into an alternative "Valentine's Day" and has become an important day locked by many businesses. Industry insiders said that the "May Day" holiday consumer market performance is not bad, since then, Mother's Day, Nurses' Festival, "520" have arrived, multi-section interaction to add new hot spots to the consumer market.

Shanghai Securities News

After the new "National Nine articles", the first IPO was suspended for consideration by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange: good access to issuance and listing

After the new "National Nine articles" series of supporting new regulations were launched, the results of the first IPO review were released. On May 16, the listing Committee of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange held a meeting to consider Marco Polo's IPO application and made a decision to suspend the consideration.

The synergy of fiscal and monetary policies will be further revealed when 1 trillion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are first issued today.

Ultra-long-term special treasury bonds issued to open the gate! On May 17th, the Ministry of Finance invited a tender for the initial issue of 40 billion yuan of 30-year special treasury bonds. Analysts expect that with the landing of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, monetary policy will strengthen coordination with fiscal policy. The RRR cut, the MLF operation and the purchase of treasury bonds in the open market are all in the toolbox. In the future, fiscal and monetary and financial instruments are expected to further play the effect of "1: 1 > 2".

Multi-level old-age financial service system is taking shape.

A reporter from the Shanghai Securities News recently learned that commercial banks actively distribute pension finance, organically integrate financial services with living consumption scenarios, and build the ecology of old-age financial services through "hardware and software" aging infrastructure transformation, enriching pension financial supply, strengthening pension industry support, and so on.

Severely punish the "gatekeeper" more than 40 audit institutions have been punished since the beginning of this year

Accounting firms are going through an unprecedented regulatory storm. Since the beginning of this year, regulators have issued at least 175 fines against accounting firms (hereinafter referred to as "accounting firms"), involving 41 accounting firms and 139 employees.

Securities Times

SASAC: state-owned capital should be long-term capital, patient capital and strategic capital.

When Zhang Yuzhuo, secretary of the party committee and director of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, went to the State Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd. a few days ago, he stressed that state-owned capital investment companies should further promote business layout optimization and structural adjustment, constantly enhance core functions and core competitiveness, speed up the construction of world-class capital investment companies, and strive to play a leading role of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas.

The perspective of new ecology under the net: the entry rate of inquiry has rebounded and the threshold for institutional participation has been raised.

In the first four months of this year, a total of 26 new shares were listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, of which only one stock price was broken on the first day of listing, which was significantly lower than that in 2022 and 2023. The 12 new shares rose more than 100% on the first day of listing, and the new mood and yield improved significantly.

The improvement on the supply side is not obvious. The photovoltaic industry is difficult to reverse for the time being.

China's photovoltaic industry is going through a period of domestic and foreign difficulties. On the one hand, the United States recently announced a tariff on Chinese-made solar cells, on the other hand, the price of the industrial chain has fallen again and again, and it is difficult to say when the bottom will come.

13 listed banks "target" medium-term dividends to improve investors' sense of acquisition

According to incomplete statistics by a reporter from the Securities Times, recently, at least 13 banks have revealed their intention to pay dividends in the medium term in response to the requirements of the new "National Nine articles." The increase in the frequency of dividends will help to enhance the sense of acquisition of investors and enhance investment confidence.

Securities Daily

The issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds is both "beneficial to the present" and "beneficial to the long term". There is still room for monetary policy to cooperate with reserve requirement and interest rate cuts.

Today, the Ministry of Finance issued a public tender for the issuance of 40 billion yuan of 30-year special treasury bonds with a coupon rate determined by competitive bidding. This issue of treasury bonds will be distributed from the end of the tender to May 20, 2024, and will be listed for trading on May 22. The current issue of treasury bonds also officially opened the prelude to the issuance of trillion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds.

The CSRC issued 539 administrative penalties for law enforcement in 2023 and confiscated 63Nintendoswitchcrashbandicootgames.89 billion yuan

On May 15, the China Securities Regulatory Commission released a summary of law enforcement in 2023. Since 2023, in accordance with the requirements of "comprehensively strengthening financial supervision", the China Securities Regulatory Commission has strengthened political guidance, faithfully performed its duties, gathered systematic efforts, cracked down on various violations of laws and regulations with "zero tolerance", and strived to achieve "long-term and thorny" supervision and law enforcement., with edges and corners, strong foundation, strict supervision and strict management, we will make every effort to maintain the smooth operation of the capital market, protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and provide strong legal guarantees for the high-quality development of the capital market.

Multiple places intensively optimize property market policies, coordinate and digest stock optimization increment

Recently, various localities have combined their own realities and started from the perspectives of controlling supply and stimulating demand, coordinating the digestion of existing real estate and optimizing incremental housing, and optimizing real estate policies.

More than a thousand public funds changed fund managers during the year

Fund managers are an important basis for investors when selecting products and are also the core member of the fund. Recently, the news that well-known fund manager Qiu Dongrong has hired additional fund managers for the products managed by well-known fund manager Qiu Dongrong has attracted much discussion in the market, and the changes in fund managers of Youguan Funds have also begun to attract the attention of grassroots citizens.