Source: Zhenjiu Lidu Group

Brand, make the world a better place. On May 10, global attentionTiger'sHoardHuntThe 2024 World Brand Mogan Mountain Conference kicked off in Deqing, Zhejiang Province. The conference was guided by Xinhua News Agency and the China Association for the Promotion of Brand Construction, sponsored by the Xinhua News Agency Brand work Office and China National Brand Network.Tiger'sHoardHuntMore than 4000 business leaders, government representatives, academic leaders and elites of industry associations from all over the world focus on the topic of global brands and issue global brand voices.

Guizhou Zhenjiu was invited to attend the conference, and together with Guizhou Moutai, Hongqi Automobile, Gree and other well-known brands to share high-quality development experience and inject new momentum into the development of Chinese brands.

Mogan Mountain, which is covered with green bamboos and clear springs, has beautiful natural scenery and is a place of casting swords for leading generals. Chinese brands are also like the towering peaks here, showing a towering atmosphere in the agitation of the wind and clouds.

Mogan Mountain World Brand Conference, held for the first time in 2023, is known as the "Davos Forum" in the field of Chinese brands for its high level of discussion, extensive international participation and far-reaching social influence. it is one of the most famous activities in the field of brand building in China.

This year, Mogan Mountain World Brand Conference further expanded and upgraded, carefully planned, including Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs Lawn Story Club, Brand International Communication Forum, Global Brand Innovation and Development think Tank Forum, Wine Beauty Life and other high-standard forums, built a rich brand exchange matrix, built a high-end stage for the collision of ideas.

Tiger'sHoardHunt| Guizhou Zhenjiu was invited to participate in the 2024 World Brand Moganshan Conference

On April 27, 2023, Lidu, a rare wine as its flagship brand and core enterprise, was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the "second share of Chinese Maotai-flavor liquor" after Maotai. Its brand awareness, reputation and influence increased rapidly. In 2023, the brand value of rare wine ranked third among the "500 most valuable brands in China" and was continuously selected in the "Hoogewerf Brand list", rising 31 places from 2022, making it one of the 300 most influential brands in China.

In 2023, the revenue of rare wine is 45%.Tiger'sHoardHunt8.3 billion yuan, an increase of 19% over the same period last yearTiger'sHoardHunt.9%, ranking the fourth in terms of revenue after Maotai, Xijiu and Lang Liquor. By May 2024, the annual production capacity of high-quality soy sauce wine has exceeded 41000 tons, and the inventory of high-quality base liquor has reached 90, 000 tons, ranking firmly in the top three of Guizhou soy sauce and wine enterprises, laying a foundation for future development.

This time, Guizhou rare Wine was invited to participate in the 2024 World Brand Mogan Mountain Conference, which is not only a concentrated display of brand strength, but also an international voyage of a bright new star in the Chinese brand fleet. Like the clear springs under Mogan Mountain converging into the rivers and seas, rare wine is sailing into the broader international brand market with self-confidence, opening a new chapter of internationalization.