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Source: northeast News Network

Original title: give full play to strengths and circumvent weaknesses, do not engage in "one model" (commentator observation)

-- developing new quality productive forces ④ in line with local conditions

Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, to create a low-altitude cultural brigade, innovative low-altitude inspection, the construction of a low-altitude flight test site, competing for the "city of the air".

Count the "family background" of Zhuhai-- adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, vast sea area and numerous islands, the city of "double air show" brings popularity, and drones and general aviation industry chains form agglomeration advantages, all of which provide for the development of low-altitude economy.Videopokercomputergames"at the right time and in the right place". Zhuhai takes the lead in laying out new-quality productive forces in the field of low-altitude economy, which shows a precise grasp of its own advantages.

To develop new-quality productive forces, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "do not develop a model." Everything is the unity of generality and individuality, that is, the unity of universality and particularity of contradiction. As far as the development of new quality productive forces is concerned, we should not only follow the universal laws and common characteristics of new quality productive forces, but also fully consider the actual situation and particularity of various localities and industries, and accurately grasp the commonness and individuality.

The key to planning the layout is to adjust measures to local conditions, not to "pick up all vegetables in the basket."

Speeding up the development of new-quality productive forces is the unified goal of all regions and departments. However, there are many new tracks, and which track to choose depends on the resource endowment, industrial foundation, and environmental conditions of various places. It is not possible to "rush in" to set up an industry, but to have the wisdom of "asking firewood in the mountains and fishing in the water." we must also have the precision of "opening a lock with a key."

Guizhou has stable geological structure, good ecological environment, low cost of land and electricity, and unique conditions for the development of big data industry. Based on the advantages of light resources and animal husbandry, Qinghai promotes the complementarity of animal husbandry and light, develops the economy under the board, and produces both green electricity and photovoltaic sheep. On the premise of respecting the objective law and based on the local "climate" and "soil", we can find out the direction and breakthrough of cultivating new kinetic energy.

Firmly grasp their own strategic positioning in the overall situation of national development, adhere to everything from reality, specific industry-specific analysis, specific regional layout, in order to find the jump track leading to high-quality development.

To compete on the same stage, we should not only play the "characteristic card" and take the "road of difference", but also make a reasonable division of labor and clench our fingers into fists.

Jiangsu Nantong, Taizhou, Yangzhou, the three cities are geographically adjacent and industrially integrated, and work hand in hand to "become strong on the chart" on the basis of development along the river, from "shell-building" to "heart-building" and from "manufacturing" to "intelligent building". At the same time, through differential competition, it has formed characteristic bases such as marine equipment and luxury cruise ships in Nantong, large oil tankers and container ships in Taizhou, large bulk carriers and ro-ro ships in Yangzhou. Industry groups, development potential, distinctive features, now, Tongtaiyang marine equipment and high-tech ship clusters have arrived at the "new segment", breaking the waves to "world-class".

videopokercomputergames| Methodology 4 for developing new productive forces: Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and not engage in "one model"

The development of new-quality productive forces cannot be stereotyped and caught up in "high-level repetition". Only by giving full play to our strengths and avoiding weaknesses, seeking differences in common ground, complementary development, cultivating new momentum and building new advantages can we form a joint force.

Generality and individuality can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. It is necessary to promptly upgrade the successful personalized exploration in various places to regular understanding, and form useful experience to guide the development of new-quality productive forces.

The amazing "Tesla speed" is inseparable from Shanghai's revolutionary process reengineering in promoting high-level opening up: parallel examination and approval, examination and approval while construction, "subtraction" in the process, implementation of mechanisms such as "tolerance and replacement", etc.; do "addition" in services, upgrade the integrated system of examination and approval services. The "Tesla examination and approval model" forced the rules to change, optimized the examination and approval path, and was copied and extended to the new Lingang area and the whole of Shanghai, providing a strong support for Shanghai to speed up the construction of a higher-quality modern industrial system.

The transformation from "special case" to "normal" and from individuality to generality reflects our deepening understanding of new quality productive forces and helps to promote the formation of an institutional mechanism to promote the development of new quality productive forces.

Look for individuality in generality, promote the accurate layout of new quality productive forces, summarize commonness from individuality, and help speed up the formation of new production relations. If we do a good job of "addition and subtraction" in grasping generality and individuality, we can promote the rapid development and vigorous upsurge of new quality productive forces.