ST Tianbang released news on May 21crashnburnps2On May 20, the company received Huafu Securities for research. The receptionist was Zhang Banghui, Chairman and President, Chen Youan, Independent Director, Zhao Shouning, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Zhang Xiangyun, and Du Chao, Chief Financial Officer. The reception venue was Shifen Taste (Linquan) Food Co., Ltd.

Main content of the survey

[Introduction to the company's recent operating conditions] 1. Introduce the operating results for the first quarter of 2023 and 2024. See the public disclosure information for details. 2. Visit the Shifen Taste Linquan factory and production line. [Investor Q & A Session] 1. Questions about reorganization 1crashnburnps2. Please introduce the progress of the company's reorganization and pre-reorganization matters, whether and when the court will accept the companycrashnburnps2Reorganization and pre-reorganization applicationcrashnburnps2? There are currently specific...

Market institution research

On May 21, Yuntu Holdings, Weiming Environmental Protection, Zhongyuan Haike, Solar Energy, Fiberhome Electronics, Puran and other companies successively issued institutional research announcements. The details are as follows:

Survey of Shanghai and Shenzhen institutions

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production and is for reference only. It does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risks are at your own risk.

crashnburnps2| [Research Express] ST Tianbang received Huafu Securities for research