Source Economic Daily

The tendering and bidding market has ushered in heavy documents recently. A few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued the opinions on innovating and perfecting the system and Mechanism to promote the standardized and healthy Development of the tendering and bidding Market.MarvinandmaeacostaThe reform, innovation and standardized development of China's tendering and bidding market have been deployed.

Li Xiaolin, vice president of the China tendering and bidding Association, said that the "opinion" is the most systematic and innovative policy document since the promulgation of the regulations on the implementation of the tendering and bidding Law. The document makes efforts to address the boundary between the government and the market, taking into account development and regulation.

In view of the outstanding problems existing in the current tendering and bidding market, such as the lag of institutional rules and the difficulty of breaking down transaction barriers, the opinions put forward a number of key tasks from the aspects of reforming and innovating the design of tendering and bidding system, promoting digital transformation and upgrading in depth, and speeding up the realization of full-process and full-chain supervision. For example, in improving the tendering and bidding system, the "opinions" emphasize that we should optimize the design of institutional rules, speed up the revision of the tendering and bidding Law, the Government Procurement Law, and relevant implementation regulations, and strive to remove institutional obstacles restricting the construction of a high-standard market system.

In terms of perfecting the bid evaluation mechanism, the opinion proposes to improve the bid evaluation method and bid evaluation mechanism, standardize the scope of application of the evaluated lowest bid price method, comprehensively promote remote bid evaluation on the network, and carry out secret bid evaluation with hidden bidder information.MarvinandmaeacostaOptimize the procedure of determining the winning bidder, explore the tenderer to independently study and determine the winning bidder from the range of winning candidates recommended by the bid evaluation committee, carry out the record of the whole process of bid determination and traceability management, strengthen the full-cycle management of bid evaluation experts, establish mechanisms such as daily assessment and evaluation, dynamic adjustment and rotation of bid evaluation experts, and make bid evaluation experts responsible for bid evaluation results for life.

Industry experts believe that these reform measures further clarify the responsibilities of all parties in the bidding process and are committed to building a fair competitive bidding market.

According to the person in charge of the laws and regulations Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, in view of the difficulties in bidding and winning bids for small and medium-sized enterprises, the "opinions" put forward to improve the policy system to support the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will optimize policies and measures to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of tendering and bidding for engineering construction, and increase support for the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in tendering and bidding by reserving shares, improving bid evaluation standards and increasing the proportion of down payment. We will explore to include supporting the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in tendering and bidding as the content of the assessment of social responsibility of state-owned enterprises.

Promoting the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence is a bright spot of this reform. The "opinion" proposes to promote the integration and development of tendering and bidding with new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and so on. Formulate and implement national unified technical standards and data standards for electronic tendering and bidding, and promote the whole process of electronic transactions for projects that must be tendered in accordance with the law. At the same time, innovate the way of digital supervision of tendering and bidding, and promote the transformation from on-site supervision to digital supervision of the whole process.

Li Xiaolin believes that the "opinion" proposes to speed up the promotion of intelligent supervision and innovate the means and methods of supervision, which will improve the efficiency and quality of supervision while clarifying powers and responsibilities.

The above-mentioned responsible person said that the National Development and Reform Commission supports all localities to make bold innovations in reforming the tendering and bidding management system, improving the bid evaluation and bidding mechanism, implementing the whole process of electronic tendering and bidding, and promoting digital intelligent supervision, and actively popularize effective experiences and practices.

For example, in recent years, Jiangsu Province has completed the development and construction of remote bid evaluation coordination system with intelligence as a breakthrough in tendering and bidding activities. Relying on the unified bid evaluation (evaluation) expert database of the whole province, the provincial "remote evaluation of judges, long-distance bid evaluation and intelligent supervision" are realized. Promote intelligent auxiliary bid evaluation, and shorten the bid evaluation time by more than 45%. Through the expert bid evaluation behavior big data analysis function, restrict and standardize the expert bid evaluation behavior.

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Hebei Province has comprehensively carried out the reform of "double-blind" evaluation, implemented the "blind selection" of bid evaluation experts, randomly selected experts from the expert database, and did not display names, contact numbers, and other information; and carried out the technical secret mark "blind evaluation" to prevent experts from giving "human score". Through the reform of "double-blind" evaluation, we can effectively avoid "differential" treatment of enterprises of different ownership, break down regional barriers to bid evaluation, curb human intervention and clandestine operation, and optimize the business environment in the field of tendering and bidding.

The responsible person said that in accordance with the requirements of the "opinion" deployment, the National Development and Reform Commission will strengthen overall planning and coordination with relevant departments, improve the work promotion mechanism, refine and implement various tasks, guide and urge local government departments to clarify timetables and roadmaps, and ensure that various tasks are effective. (economic Daily reporter Ji Yajiao)