Every reporter Tu Yinghao every editor Liao Dan

Today, with the development of the insurance industry, "maximum integrity" has undoubtedly been one of the recognized basic principles. However, some salespeople take advantage of consumers' lack of awareness of the products to mislead consumers by exaggerating insurance liability and concealing important information, resulting in consumers' purchase.Seagameswomen'sfootball2022An insurance product that is not suitable for you, or hit a brick wall when you need to settle a claim.

In recent years, the supervision continues to strengthen the supervision of insurance sales, frequently issuing fines for insurance companies and salespeople and third-party platforms to deceive policyholders, and also issuing risk tips to insurance consumers to guard against the risk of misleading sales. At present, what "tricks" you may encounter in insurance consumption? On May 15, which coincides with the National Investor Protection Promotion Day, the following cases may help you identify insurance consumption traps in the process of buying insurance.

Case 1: "hawking" medical insurance in live broadcast

"you can report illness and hospitalization, hospitalization fee, bed fee, operation fee, self-financed medicine, imported medicine, purchased medicine, how much to spend, 100% reimbursement within responsibility, and refund if you are not satisfied." This through-the-mouth sales technique comes from the insurance studio of a social platform. When you happen to browse such a live broadcast, will you be attracted by such a comprehensive guarantee and place an order in the voice of the anchor?

It is in such an insurance studio that consumer Xiao Liu placed an order for a million-dollar medical insurance. However, it was not until the claim was settled that he found that the actual reimbursement of this insurance was different from the "100% reimbursement" he had heard. Xiao Liu said that at that time, the anchorman repeatedly stressed that "serious illness can be reported," and did not mention deductibles and reimbursement ratio restrictions. There is no doubt that the insurance studio has not fulfilled its obligation to inform consumers that consumers "do not know the deductible to place an order".

A reporter from the Daily Business News recently visited several insurance studios and noticed that in order to enable consumers to make purchase decisions faster and facilitate more transactions, there are still cases of exaggerating publicity and concealing important information, and the types of insurance involved are concentrated in the sales of medical insurance products such as children's medical insurance and millions of medical insurance.

Take a universal version of millions of medical insurance products as an example, the anchor repeatedly stressed in the studio that "more than 20,000% reimbursement". "is it more than 20,000 yuan in health insurance?" In the face of repeated questions from netizens about the deductible of 20,000 yuan, the anchorman only responded that "as long as it is more than 20,000, 100% will be reimbursed." In fact, when the reporter looked up the liability of the product, he found that the annual deductibles for hospitalization medical benefits within and outside the medical insurance of the product were all 20,000 yuan.

In the face of consumers' hesitation, in another studio that mainly sells children's medical insurance, another anchor urged: "it will be broadcast in a few minutes. You can place an order directly, and you can return it at any time if you don't want it." The reporter noted that according to the insurance provisions, the insured who apply for termination of the contract after the hesitation period will suffer certain economic losses.

In addition, the protection period of the above-mentioned short-term medical insurance products such as children's medical insurance and millions of medical insurance is one year, and some anchors not only do not mention the risk of renewal, but also constantly emphasize that as long as they can buy this product, even if they are out of danger, they will renew the insurance for life.

Case 2: after "1 yuan purchase", it was set up with automatic deduction.

"1 yuan in the first month, enjoy millions of protection"-similar "1 yuan purchase" advertisements appear frequently in mobile software, which seems to be full of sincerity, but it is actually an elaborate trap.

Mr. Zhang complained on a platform a few days ago that his father was misled by the "1 yuan" insurance promotion and was "opened" after receiving the so-called "1 yuan purchase" insurance in December last year. By the time Mr. Zhang found out, his father's account had been automatically deducted 135 for many months.Seagameswomen'sfootball2022.6 yuan.

A reporter from the Daily Business News noted that in the past few years, the routine of inducing consumers to take out insurance at low prices has evolved into many forms.

One is the earlier "first month 0 yuan" routine. Some insurance companies and third-party network platforms display contents such as "0 yuan in the first month" and "N yuan reduction in the first month of the limited time concession" on the publicity page. In fact, they do not charge the insurance premium in the first month and spread the premium payable for the whole year to the next 11 months. Consumers do not get a premium discount. In 2020, the Consumer Rights Protection Bureau of the former Bancassurance Regulatory Commission issued a circular, confirming that the relevant insurance companies and platforms gave preferential treatment (exemption or reduction) to policyholders under the illusion that premiums should be paid and induced policyholders to buy insurance, which belongs to false propaganda and deceiving policyholders.

After the short-term health insurance "0 yuan in the first month" has been widely concerned, a large number of complaints have been suspended and punished by supervision, a "low premium, high exemption" product as the "lead" mode of operation has become more common.

This is called the "Rubik's cube business" of health insurance in the industry, and its routine is as follows: first of all, you receive an insurance link with an insurance amount of up to 6 million yuan per month, and you can receive insurance for only 1 yuan after opening the link to fill in your name, ID number and mobile phone number. After that, the call came in, and the customer service staff told you that the protection of the current option is limited. By increasing the premium, the exemption can be reduced from tens of thousands to 10,000, and the compensation ratio can be raised from 40% to 100%. After you hang up, you will receive a text message. Follow the message prompt, click on the link and click "upgrade".

In November 2023, the regulator issued a "reminder about the risks of short-term health insurance products" to insurance companies, which mentioned that words such as "protection improvement", "product upgrade" and "protection promotion" should not be used to improperly guide policyholders to take out new insurance or preservation actions. Those who use similar methods such as "agreed deferred deduction" and "automatic renewal" to collect premiums should be fully explained to ensure that the policy-holders accurately understand. The signed authorization deduction agreement should match the insurance period of the product and ensure that the insured is informed of what to do if the automatic deduction is stopped.

Case 3: selling insurance as financial management, emphasizing "high returns"

"my mother bought an annuity insurance in the bank a few years ago. at that time, the salesman introduced the payment of 10,000 yuan a year. After 15 years, I could withdraw the principal and interest at one time. Now, after I called for advice, I found that it was different from that introduced by the salesman. Actually, I can't withdraw the cash value until I (the insured) is 60 years old." Ms. Zhao recently posted a post online.

The so-called cash value refers to the actual value of the insurance policy calculated according to the actuarial principle of insurance, which is usually reflected in the termination of the insurance contract by the policy-holder, that is, the amount returned by the insurance company to the policy-holder.

When buying insurance, the salesman said that the principal could be returned if the premium was fully paid, but when the insurance was actually returned, the amount was pitifully small. A reporter from the Daily Business News noticed that many insurance consumers found that the salespeople were misled by propaganda after buying life insurance products for several years, and that they might not even get back the principal if they chose to surrender the insurance.

In recent years, under the influence of multiple factors such as downward market interest rates and fluctuations in the capital market, "capital preservation" financial insurance products that can lock in long-term returns are favored by the market. Take the increased life insurance most sought after by the market as an example. Sales staff will "compound interest 3%" as the focus of publicity, analogy financial product sales. The China Association of Actuaries has warned consumers of risks and is wary of some insurance salesmen suspected of misleading publicity in the process of selling such products.

Compared with the increment life insurance with high cash value, the short-term accumulated cash value of annuity insurance is relatively lower and the recovery cycle is relatively longer.

The Consumer Rights and interests Protection Bureau of the original Bank Insurance Regulatory Commission has issued a risk reminder that misleading sales infringe upon consumers' rights to know, independent choice and fair trade.

Deliberately conceal the attributes of insurance products, confuse products with similar insurance liability, or confuse insurance products and other financial products, infringing on consumers' right to know. For example, promoting and selling insurance products in the name of bank wealth management products, bank deposits, securities investment funds and other financial products, or using ratio indicators such as dividend rate and settlement interest rate of insurance products, a simple comparison with the rate of return of other financial products such as bank deposit interest rate and treasury bond interest rate will mislead consumers and easily lead to claims settlement disputes or surrender disputes.

In addition, when individual salespeople sell new life insurance products such as dividend insurance, investment link insurance and universal insurance, they only emphasize "high returns" but do not show adverse information and promise to guarantee returns.

Tips in the industry: how to avoid the insurance consumption trap?

How to avoid falling into some "pits" of insurance marketing? A number of industry insiders in the interview suggested that insurance consumers should do their homework before buying, and should not rely solely on the verbal commitment of the sales staff to place orders hastily.

Yang Fan, general manager of Beijing Paiwang Insurance Agency Co., Ltd., said that before purchasing insurance products, insurance consumers should carefully understand the terms and conditions of the products, keep rational thinking, and carefully evaluate whether the insurance products meet their actual situation and needs, and do not be affected by excessive publicity and sales practices. Choose sales channels carefully and avoid buying insurance products through illegal channels. Before buying insurance products, you can consult professional insurance practitioners for professional advice and advice.

In view of the insurance consumption trap and the possible misleading behavior of salespeople in live streaming and other channels, Zuo Shenyang, general manager of Huisan Insurance Brokerage customer Service Center, suggested that insurance consumers take the following measures to prevent sales misleading and protect their legitimate rights and interests when purchasing insurance:

One is to enhance the knowledge of insurance. Understand the basic insurance principles and the characteristics of different types of insurance products, and identify your own insurance needs, so that you can make informed decisions when buying.

The second is to guard against exaggerated propaganda. For live broadcast and other channels in the exaggerated insurance liability, promise high rate of return sales claims, to remain vigilant, do not easily believe. Before purchasing, you should carefully read the insurance contract and terms to understand the actual scope of protection of the product, claim conditions and excluded liability.

seagameswomen'sfootball2022| Starting from the insurance marketing routine, how to avoid these "pits"?

The third is to verify sales information. The information provided by the sales staff can be verified through the official website of the insurance company and the customer service hotline to ensure the authenticity of the information.

The fourth is to treat "preferential" activities rationally. For "1 yuan purchase" and other seemingly preferential insurance products, we should carefully understand the real situation behind them and avoid being attracted by low prices and buying products that are not suitable for us.

Fifth, make clear the difference between insurance and financial management. The essence of insurance products is risk protection, not investment and financial management. When buying, you should be clear about your needs and avoid being misled into buying insurance as a wealth management product.

The sixth is to retain the relevant evidence. In the purchase process, to keep a good record of communication with the sales staff, insurance contracts and other important evidence, in order to protect the rights when needed.

Seventh, safeguarding rights in a timely manner. If the sales staff are found to be misleading or their own rights and interests have been infringed, they should promptly complain to the insurance company or report to the relevant departments to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Zuo Shenyang said that insurance consumers should maintain a rational and cautious attitude when buying insurance, raise their awareness of self-protection, and avoid being misled into buying insurance products that are not suitable for them. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should also strengthen the supervision of the insurance market, crack down on sales misleading and other illegal activities, and maintain the healthy development of the insurance market.