Sky Eye Inspection Legal litigation information showscryptogamesoniphoneOn April 29, Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd. added 3 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, with a total of 14cryptogamesoniphoneMore than 900 million yuan, involving private lending disputes and financial leasing contract disputes, two of which were resumption of execution cases. Some of the cases were also enforced by Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Baoneng South China Co., Ltd., etc. The enforcement court is Guangzhou City Nansha District People's Court and Urumqi City Intermediate People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Sky Eye risk information shows that Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd. currently has more than 80 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, and the total amount executed exceeds 46.9 billion yuan. In addition, the company also has multiple consumption restriction orders, dishonest executors (laolai) and final case information.

cryptogamesoniphone| Baoneng and others were executed 1.49 billion yuan, and Baoneng has been executed in total, exceeding 46.9 billion yuan