Source Economic Daily

finaljeopardy| In the first four months, the country's railways sent 1.37 billion passengers, a year-on-year increase of 22.9%

Economic Daily, Beijing, May 18 (Reporter Qi Hui) learned from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.finaljeopardyIn the first four months of this year, railways across the country sent 13 passengersfinaljeopardy.70 million passengers, a year-on-year increase of 22.9%, and transportation is safe, stable and orderly.

The person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group introduced that since the beginning of this year, China Railway Group has actively adapted to the situation of continued recovery of my country's economy and accelerated personnel flow, strengthened passenger transportation organizations, optimized passenger train operation plans, enriched the supply of passenger transport products, and implemented convenience for the people. Service measures have effectively ensured the safe, orderly and warm travel of passengers.

In the first four months, the railway department coordinated high-speed railways and general-speed railways, increased passenger transport capacity, made full use of the big data of the railway 12306 system, dynamically grasped passenger travel rules, and opened additional passenger trains in key areas and popular directions in a timely manner. Railways across the country operated 10483 passenger trains per day, a year-on-year increase of 13.8%.

At the same time, the railway department has further improved the quality of passenger transport services and actively promoted new ticket services such as time counting tickets, scheduled tickets, and travel packages. Currently, time counting tickets and scheduled tickets have covered 60 routes, and travel packages have covered 10 routes; The number of stations providing Internet ordering services has increased to 80, and special actions to improve the quality of train catering have been implemented.