In 2024, the regularly open debt base will continue to attract investors 'attention. Such funds can provide stability and liquidity to investors by setting fixed open and closed periods. In the case of high market volatility, the fixed open period and closed period of fixed-open funds are effectively reduced100drawvideopokerTo improve the impact of frequent foreclosures on fund performance, thereby achieving higher investment performance.

100drawvideopoker| Treasure Debt Base Tianhong Ji Jixing will be open since May 22, and its increase has exceeded 20% since its establishment.

Tianhong Ji Jixing will open C (code) for three months100drawvideopoker: 008645) is such a fixed debt base, with a yield of 20 since its establishment on December 17, 2019100drawvideopoker.97%. According to Morningstar's first-level classification, similar earnings have ranked 23/308 in the past three years, ranking among the top 8%. (Data source wind, as of May 21, 2024, has been reviewed by the custodian bank). Tianhong Jixing has a three-month fixed opening C (code: 008645) that is open every three months. The most recent opening period is from May 22 to May 28, 2024. Alipay, Tiantian Fund, Jingdong Finance, etc. are available for sale, investors can pay attention.

Historical annual positive income and benchmark comparison are as follows (2020 - 2023): 2100drawvideopoker.87%(2.84%)、4.83%(4.73%)、3.12%(3.12%)、4.85%(4.44%)。

The market is risky and investment needs to be cautious.