As of the evening of April 19,211 Science and Technology Innovation Board companies had disclosed their annual reports, of which 163companies had issued profit distribution plans, with a total cash dividend of more than 20 billion yuan and an overall dividend ratio of 34.Bigtigerbaccarat.5%, real gold and silver returns to investors.

The reporter noticed that since Science and Technology Innovation Board opened the board, the scale of cash dividends of listed companies has continuously reached a new high. Divided by the periodic reporting period corresponding to the cash dividend scheme, the average dividend amount of each company increased from 80 million yuan to 115 million yuan from 2019 to 2022, with a compound growth rate of 12.86%. From 2019 to 2022, the overall dividend payment rates of dividend-sharing companies were 38.14%, 33.7%, 30.04% and 32.79%, respectively.

159companies of Science and Technology Innovation Board issued cash dividend plan

Judging from the disclosed dividend plans, in 2023, 159 companies issued cash dividend plans and 40 companies issued transfer programs, of which 36 companies gave shares at the same time. In terms of cash dividends, 65 companies have a cash dividend ratio of 30% to 50%, and 41 companies have a cash dividend ratio of more than 50%.

The continuous dividend payment rate of China General account has been close to or more than 50% since it was listed in 2019, with a cumulative cash dividend of 9.636 billion yuan since it was listed. In 2023, the company continues to return investors with a high proportion of dividends, with a total cash dividend of 1.8 billion yuan, accounting for 51.77% of the company's net profit in 2023.

bigtigerbaccarat| The planned cash dividend exceeds 20 billion yuan! 163 science and technology innovation board companies release profit distribution plans

The dividend ratio of China Control Technology from 2020 to 2022 is 30.18%, 30.75% and 50.95% respectively. In 2023, the company continues the high dividend policy and plans to distribute a cash dividend of 7 yuan for every 10 shares of all shareholders, totaling 551 million yuan, accounting for 50.04% of the net profit of shareholders belonging to listed companies in 2023.

At the same time, central control technology promised in the profit distribution plan that dividends for three consecutive years from 2023 to 2025 would account for no less than 30% of the net profit in the consolidated statement.BigtigerbaccaratInvestors are expected to return dividends.

Pay attention to both dividend and R & D

Science and Technology Innovation Board gathers strategic emerging enterprises. The company uses funds to invest in research and development, catch up with advanced technology and technology, and repay the majority of investors with performance growth.BigtigerbaccaratOn the other hand, Science and Technology Innovation Board never forgets to repay investors and strives to enhance investors' sense of achievement through dividends and other means.

Since the listing of Jinshan Office, the proportion of R & D expenditure in operating income has exceeded 30%, with an average annual R & D expenditure of more than 1 billion yuan. At the same time, the proportion of cash dividends of the company has exceeded 30% over the years, and the cumulative amount of cash dividends has reached 1.481 billion yuan.

The company said that its AI products will accelerate the progress of deep application development and industrial landing in 2024, and plans to officially start the commercialization process within the first quarter. In the future, the company will further improve the level of management, profitability and core competitiveness, and strive to return to the majority of investors with better performance.

Hongsoft Technology insists on investing more than 30% of its annual revenue in R & D to ensure that the company always maintains its competitive advantage in the industry. From 2020 to 2023, the company's R & D expenditure as a proportion of operating income increased from 34.75% to 54.11%.

At the same time, the company continues to increase its dividend ratio, with cash dividends of 41.77%, 56.99% and 86.76% respectively from 2020 to 2022. In 2023, the company plans to pay a cash dividend of 2.2 yuan and a cash dividend of 8% for every 10 shares.Bigtigerbaccarat, 8.16 million yuan.

In addition, Hongsoft Technology (688088) formulates the 2024 mid-term dividend plan ahead of schedule, and carries out the 2024 mid-term cash dividend under the condition that the first half of 2024 is profitable, the cumulative undistributed profit is positive, and the cash flow can meet the needs of normal operation and sustainable development.

Take multiple measures to buy back and increase holdings.

The reporter combed and found that since 2023, Science and Technology Innovation Board has issued a total of 251 buyback plans and 73 holdings increase programs, with a total repurchase plan limit exceeding 32.4 billion yuan and a total increase limit of more than 1.2 billion yuan. At present, 57 orders and 33 orders have been completed to buy back and increase their holdings, showing their firm confidence in the company with real gold and silver. On the whole, Science and Technology Innovation Board buyback to increase the scale of repeated record highs, and is accelerating.

At the same time, since the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the "proposal to carry out the Special Action of Shanghai Stock Exchange companies to improve quality, efficiency and return", 124 Science and Technology Innovation Board companies have issued the action plan of "improving quality, efficiency and return" in 2024. specific measures will be formulated around increasing holdings and buybacks, optimizing operation and management, and strengthening investor communication.

What is noteworthy is that in the annual plan, some companies have specified the minimum dividend ratio in the next three years, and some companies have proposed to explore plans such as multiple dividends in a year, pre-dividends, and dividends before the Spring Festival. most companies also clearly held performance presentation meetings or the arrangement of the number of investor reception days, investor opinion collection mechanism, and so on, showing a good image that Science and Technology Innovation Board attaches importance to rewarding investors and paying attention to investors' demands.

Proofreading: Su Huanwen