Financial front-line news on May 27elevatoractionreturnsFude Life Life told the financial front line that in order to ensure the continuity and stability of corporate governance and operation management, our company has elected Director Xu Wenyuan to act as chairman and legal representative in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the Articles of Association. Duty until the board of directors elects a new chairman (legal representative).

In recent years, Fude Life Life's management team members have been stable, the road to high-quality transformation has also achieved positive results, and the performance trend of core business indicators has been improving. Data shows that in 2023, Fude Life Life achieved a profit of net profit attributable to the parent company, with a total premium income exceeding 110 billion yuan; the value of new business has more than tripled year-on-year, and the value rate of new orders has also increased significantly simultaneously; the four core continuation rates are all over 90%.

In the first quarter of 2024, the company continued to promote the optimization of business structure, and the scale of new single installment payments increased by 59% year-on-yearelevatoractionreturns..9%, and the value of new business in each business channel has achieved a significant year-on-year increase, with an overall increase of more than 25 times. At the same time, the company attaches great importance to business quality, and the four core continuity rates have been comprehensively increased to more than 95%. While the operating fundamentals are solid, the company's value creation capabilities and channel competitiveness have been further improved, and the net profit attributable to the parent company in the first quarter was significantly better than expected.

elevatoractionreturns| Exclusive! Fude Life Life elected Xu Wenyuan to act as chairman until a new chairman was elected